Greek mythology is considered to be one of the most complex
and in order to look at it in full one must look at its development over many
stages, starting in the Bronze Age, through the Helladic period and up to the
Archaic and Classical periods. Many Greek
creation myths contain elements of the early Pelasgian myth, which is named
after Pelasgus and can be dated back to around 4000 BC. The Pelasgians worshipped goddesses and their
creation myth is dominated by a female creator.
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Eurynome and Ophion by nathanspotts |
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Oceanus and Tethys Mosaic by Erkan Adıgüzel |
Homer in the Iliad, which was written in during the 8th
century BC, credits Oceanus and Tethys, a Titaness, with the creation of the
first gods and the world. Tethys was the
ruler of the sea, while Oceanus surrounded the universe. Homer’s version of events follows a similar
theme to that found in the Pelasgian myth of creation
Where the great parents (sacred source of gods!)
Ocean and Tethys their old empire keep,
On the last limits of the land and deep.
In their kind arms my tender years were past;
What time old Saturn, from Olympus cast,
Of upper heavens to Jove resign’d to reign,
Whelm’d under the huge mass of earth and main.
For strife, I hear, has made the union cease,
Which held so long that ancient pair in peace.
Then, in the late 8th century BC, we find Hesiod
of Boetia and the first fully formed Greek myth of creation contained within
his Theogony and Works and Days.
Theogony, meaning ‘birth of the gods’ is a thousand line poem which is
presented to the reader as a hymn to Zeus and details the origin of the world
and of the gods. I will give you a
summary of the poem, but if you want to read Theogony in full, you can do so
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The Goddess Gaia by thefantasim` |
In the beginning there was Chaos and from Chaos comes Gaia,
who was the earth; Tartarus, who was the Underworld; Eros, who was love, Erebus;
who was darkness; and Night. Gaia
created Ouranos, or Uranus, who was the sky and from their coupling came the
three Cyclopes, or Kyklopes; the three Hecatoncheires, who were strong and
monstrous creatures known as the ‘hundred-handed’; and the twelve Titans: six
brothers and six sisters.
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Hecatonchire by Orion35 |
The Titan Oceanus was the stream of Ocean which encircled
the disc of the earth in early concepts of geography. Oceanus fathered three thousand daughters and
three thousand sons who were called the Oceanids.
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Oceanids by cirrusmin0r |
The Titan Hyperion fathered Helius, or Helios, and both were
gods of the sun. The sun god lived in
the East, and every day he crossed the dome of the sky in a four horse drawn
chariot and descended in the West – into Oceanus, who encircled the earth –
before sailing back to the East to begin a new day.
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Hyperion by heartfullofhell |
Phaethon, sometimes son of Hyperon or Helius or Apollo,
wanted to find out if the Sun was truly his father, so he visited the palace of
the Sun to find out. Here the sun god
reassured Phaethon that he was his father and that he could have anything he
might desire. Phaethon asked to drive
the sun-chariot for one day and was granted his wish. However, Phaethon was inexperienced and
unable to control the horses. He caused
absolute havoc and met his death at the hands of Zeus or Jupiter.
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Selene and Endymion by Umina |
Another daughter of Hyperion was Selene, a goddess of the
moon who drove a two-horse chariot. The
goddess of the moon later became Artemis or Diana. Selene fell head over heels in love with the
hunter Endymion and would abandon her duties to visit the cave where Endymion
lived. Endymion was eventually granted
endless sleep and eternal youth.
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Eos by Vildamir |
The goddess of the dawn was Eos or Aurora. She was the third child of Hyperion and, like
Selene, drove a two-horse chariot. Eos
fell in love with the human Tithonus, or Tithonos, and stole him away. Zeus granted her wish and made Tithonus
immortal, but Eos forgot to ask that Tithonus be given eternal youth and he
grew old. While Eos remained devoted to
him, her love cooled. Eos and Tithonus
had a son, Memnon, who was killed by Achilles during the Trojan saga. Eos stole away other lovers, including
Cephalus who later became the husband of Procris.
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Ouranos |
Ouranos hated his children and, as they were about to be
born, he hid them inside Gaia. Gaia was
very angry with Ouranos and wished for revenge.
Her appeal was granted by Cronus, who accepted a sickle fashioned by his
mother and castrated Ouranos, his father.
The severed genitals of Ouranos were cast into the ocean and from them
grew Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love.
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Cronus devours one of his offspring by Peter Paul Rubens |
Cronus, or Kronos, or Saturn, and Rhea, had several children
who were eaten by their father Cronus.
Cronus became afraid that he would meet his end at the hands of one of
his children. Rhea was aware of Cronus’
fear and, when Zeus was to be born, she hid the birth from Cronus. Zeus was taken to Crete while Cronus was
given a stone wrapped in baby’s clothes to eat.
Rhea hid Zeus in a cave and he eventually grew up to overthrow his
father. Zeus went on to marry his sister
Hera, or Juno, and they became the king and queen of the gods.
Another Greek creation myth came from the religious system
Orphism, named after the mythological poet and musician Orpheus. The Orphic cult developed during the late 7th
century BC. In contrast to Homer’s
Olympian religion, Orphism was mostly concerned with the destiny of the soul. The following poem is an account of creation,
where time makes the silver egg of the cosmos and from the egg come the Orphic. He was the first god and was known as
Protogonos. Protogonos was bisexual and
from him came the seeds of all gods and men.
The poem is a parallel of Iranian religion, who put much emphasis on
Zurvan, the god of time. Time creates
the egg from which comes Phanes-Dionysus.
Phanes, the creator, makes Nyx (the night), his daughter and he is both
her mother and father. Nyx is the only
one lucky enough to behold the creator and over much time she join with Phanes
and brought Gaea (earth), Uranus (heaven), and Cronus (light) into being.
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Greek Relief 'Phanes' |
The Sixth Orphic Hymn
O mighty first-begotten, hear my orayer,
Twofold, egg born, and wandering through the air;
Bull-roarer, glorying in thy golden wings,
From whom the race of Gods and mortals springs.
Ericapius, celebrated power,
Ineffable, occult, all shining flower.
‘Tis thine from darksome mists to purge the sight,
All-spreading splendour, pure and holy light;
It was said that Zeus swallowed Phanes-Dionysus and, in capturing
the source of being in his belly, was able to make the world anew. The Orphics also told of Dionysus being eaten
by the Titans. Once the Titans were destroyed,
mankind was able to emerge from their ashes.
And so manking contained both the evil of the Titans and the goodness of
Dionysus. In some Orphic myths, Dionysus
is brought back by Persephone and/or Demeter.
That’s all for today.
Next time we will continue on with creation mythology – this time from
the East.
Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities by Charles Russell Coulter& Patricia Turner
A Dictionary of Creation Myths by David Adams Leeming
Creation Myths of the World: An Encylopedia by David A. L.eeming
Iliad by Homer
The Many Faces of Creation: A History of Man's Search for His Place and Purpose by Vern A. Westfall
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